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Our half-dozen red rose bouquets ooze romance! Also available in pink (strictly limited stock). 


Featuring a generous spray of stunning roses, with some complementary seasonal flowers and foliage, this bouquet includes 6 roses.


Each bouquet is unique, you'll receive a florist's choice selection of rose varieties.


Please note: the style of the rose bouquets is indicative of our arrangements this year. Featuring a combination of stunning rose varieties with seasonal foliage, to bring you a unique arrangement of jaw-dropping beauty.


We deliver our beautiful Valentine's Day bouquets to Toowoomba, Withcott, Murphy's Creek, Upper Lockyer and Highfields. Deliveries will be made 11-16th February and you can request a preferred date at checkout.

Half-Dozen Roses Valentine's Day Toowoomba

  • A statement bouquet they'll need two hands to carry!

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