Valentine's Day is easily sorted with our Florist Choice bouquets. Every bouquet is guaranteed to be full, luscious, and filled with seasonal blooms that will last.
Perfect for your girlfriend, partner, or your bestie, these vibrant arrangements will light up the room, like they light up your life!
Three generous sizes available, with a handwritten card and personal delivery included. Or, you can upgrade to a handmade card from our bespoke selection.
Note: the flowers pictured are indicative of the colours and varieties we've ordered for Valentine's Day. Individual flowers and colours will be florist's choice.
The mostly pink bouquet with white wrapping shows a medium size, while the bouquet with yellow gerbras and baby pink wrap, as well as the bouquet with the lily flower both show a regular size.
We deliver our beautiful Valentine's Day bouquets to Toowoomba, Withcott, Murphy's Creek, Upper Lockyer and Highfields. Deliveries will be made 11-16th February and you can request a preferred date at checkout.
Nothing impresses like flowers delivered to their workplace, or direct to their door. Show them you care this Valentine's Day.
Orders are strictly limited. Get in before they're all gone!
Valentine's Day Flowers Toowoomba - Florist's Choice
Regular: 35cm wide with 50cm stems.
Medium: 70cm wide with 50cm stems.
Large: 80cm wide with 50cm stems.
*Sizes are approximate and dependent on seasonal wholesale suitability.